In response, Lance Mannion with a Twitter rant:
1 GOP Congressman @replukemesser thinks "personal responsibility is pretty cool."
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
2 @replukemesser He's explaining why he's going to vote to screw students/grads with heavy college loan burdens.
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
3. This is an expression of the "If you can't pay for it out of pocket, you don't get to have it" attitude that sounds like virtue...
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
4. But it usually just a cover for "Don't ask me to care about your problems" and "I got mine, you get yours."
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
5. But basically it treats wanting good health care for your kids, a decent education, a secure retirement etc like wanting an SUV.
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
6 But at least @replukemesser actually worked his way through college. Unlike @reppaulryan who forgets his family is rich.
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
7 @replukemesser is a real self-made man, very much like the President. He just learned a different lesson from it.
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
8 The President learned he was lucky. @replukemesser learned he was a paragon of self-reliance.I thought that was pretty cool.
— Lance Mannion (@LanceMannion) May 31, 2013
May I add, I do not understand how it is not personally responsible to pay back a loan at a lower interest rate as opposed to a high one. After all, the current 30-year mortgage rate is 3.81%. I don't even understand what the issue is, here.