* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Here's the Teaser:
A great phalanx of helmeted Wehrmacht troops marched to a Nazi band, while the Swastika flew over the Arc de Triomphe. At this scene, Parisians had stared sullen and silent, many of them weeping.
I hear there's a (reasonably) happy ending.
Previously on Teaser Tuesday: The Man Who Cancelled Himself
Evocative tease! Have you ever seen pictures of Parisians as the troops marched in? This one always comes to mind for me...
I just watched a charming movie set in 1960s Paris, and there were no Nazis to be seen -- so yes, there is a happy ending somewhere .;-)
My teaser is here:
smellincoffee --
Wow, that's a great photo ... that guy ... kind of wish I could tell him, "Hey, give it five years. Everything'll get better." Wonder if he survived.
Laura --
I saw the book at my p/t job, I'll have to check it out. (Literally, employees can treat it like a library).
As we are speaking of WWII photos, here are links to two of my favorite photo exhibits about France under German occupation:
1. "The Louvre During the War," with amazing photos of empty galleries and crated art on its way to safety in the south:
In addition to the striking images in the press release above, the original exhibit also included amazing documentary footage of the Victory of Samothrace being rolled down the stairs into a truck and more sober photos of the Louvre as a German holiday spot for soldiers on leave during the war and the Louvre as an Allied prison camp for soldiers captured awaiting trial at the end of the war.
2. "Parisians under the Occupation," a controversial exhibit that featured rare color photos of Parisians enjoying themselves in the summer sunshine of 1942 and 1943. Taken for German propaganda purposes by a French photographer, they leave out the deportations, the forced labor, the food and fuel shortages, and the other ugly aspects of war:
The video clip on the site above shows a few of the photos, shots of the installation, and interviews with French historians and politicians about whether or not to display such images in public. To see more photos before or after you read the associated article about their pros and cons, click on the right-hand image under the word "diapo" (French for "slide," as in "next slide please").
Great teaser! I can't even imagine what it would be like to put myself in their shoes.
oh, and as this thread began with a tragic photo of Parisians as the German troops marched in sealing French defeat, here's a joyous BBC audio clip of how Parisians reacted when Allied forces arrived marking French liberation:
Beautifully vivid teaser, I imagine the book is quite good and yes, there shall be a happy ending. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/05/teaser-tuesdays-welcome-to-harmony.html
Phalanx,one of the words I love, it sounds so nice on the tongue.
A great teaser, very poignant.
Wow, what imagery. Interesting tease.
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