* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Two hours later, he was closer to finding Homer's password only in the sense that he had eliminated a few dozen of the infinite number of candidates. The light was starting to fade.
Previously on Teaser Tuesday: I finished Fool
I found myself wishing that Moore hadn't followed his editor's advice (he'd asked this editor if he should write about a generic fool or the fool in Lear, and the editor had said Lear, absolutely). I found myself wishing Moore had written a different book. Ah well.
Interesting teaser. Thanks for visiting Southern Sassy Things! :o)
Ooh this sounds really intriguing. My teaser is at The Crowded Leaf.
That looks really good!
I have heard that POV on the Christopher Moore book from more than one person.
Nice teaser! Here's mine
From Away sounds incredibly strange, from the Amazon description. Not serious at all. =)
I mostly just read serious books when they are "assigned" to me, mostly for book club.
Good teaser.
Great re-cap of Fool.
An intriguing teaser - thanks for visiting!
intriguing teaser.
Thanks for stopping by On the Bookcase.
For anyone else, here's mine!
I agree with you 100% re Fool but you and I seem to be in the minority. Thank you for visiting my TT. PussReboots.
I love how you followed up on last week's Teaser.
No text to offer a real teaser, but I will say that I just finished reading Laurie King's long-awaited sequel to "The Language of Bees," "The God of the Hive," in a single sitting - and despite the creepy title, I think this is one of her best-ever books, a wonderful new installment in the Sherlock Holmes/Mary Russell series.
Great teaser! And Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Interesting teaser, thanks for sharing! And for stopping by mine!
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