* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Here's the teaser:
Never one to follow the rules, be it at school or at the embassy, Dahl was always getting up to some kind of mischief, whether it was filching expensive cigars from his boss's office and passing them around, or sending self-aggrandizing missives to Marsh written on the thick, buff-colored British Embassy stationery and carrying the official red wax seal. His favorite pastime was lampooning the mannered style of his country's wartime representatives, particularly that of the British ambassador, the first Earl of Halifax, an old Etonian who even his erudite information officer, Isaiah Berlin, an Oxford philosopher, described as "being not of this century."He sounds like one of his cheeky characters, doesn't he?
Previously on Teaser Tuesday: I finished and greatly enjoyed David Carkeet's From Away
Yeah, he really does! Fun for us to read about but I'm sure it drove his boss up the wall.
Ah, that quote makes me want to crawl into that setting! Great teaser.
And thank you for coming by my blog earlier!
Cheeky alright! My 19-y.o. daughter would love this! She's big on history and still has all her Roald Dahl books. She's going through them again with her younger sister.
Thanks for visiting my teaser! :)
This sounds hilarious. I knew Ian Fleming served in the British intelligence service, but hadn't heard anything about Roald Dahl. Thanks!
Here's my teaser: TexasRed Books
Another era (probably!!)
Cheeky indeed. Brilliant teaser. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/05/teaser-tuesdays-forty-eight-x-lemuria.html
He sounds very cheeky. I like cheeky.
A great teaser. R.D must have been such a character.
This looks great! Amazing teaser! I read the most amazing book this week. I had used it for my Teaser Tuesday and loved it so much I decided to post my review today. Feel free to head over to my blog and check it out at http://EmmaMichaels.Blogspot.com and post your teaser in my comments!
Emma Michaels
Yeah, he does! Great teaser! Thanks for visiting!
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