Friday, December 10, 2010

Various and Sundry, December 10

My goodness me, so much to share. I will try to restrain myself.

First of all, I have updated my blogrolls over to the left, there, to more accurately represent a) the blogs I read and b) the blogs where there's stuff being written regularly. A couple to highlight: Texas in Africa, "An academic blog about African politics, security, development, & advocacy," which sounds much drier than it is; and Cool Infographics, which makes my data-happy little head explode. I also can't believe I didn't have Seven Whole Days or The Divine Latitude on my blogroll before now. Quite shocking. And there are so many more good blogs out there but I am trying to keep the list to a manageable size.

I liked this entry from another very fine blog, Good Intentions are Not Enough, on the Do's and Don's of Holiday Giving. Very good thoughts on making your charitable giving effective.

Speaking of holiday gift giving, I thought this video was very funny. Yes, yes, it's an ad. Yes, it traffics in stereotypes. It still made me laugh. Make sure to listen to the announcements in the background.

Continuing the subject of how to interest young people in church, I appreciated my co-worker Kellor Smith's thoughts on this subject on the Confirm not Conform blog. My favorite line: “They just assume that I already belong; it wouldn’t occur to them to invite me back.” Good food for thought as grown-up children attend Christmas Eve services with their parents.

And finally, for something completely different, check out this article about the University High Cross Country Team. It ran (so to speak) over a week ago, but I didn't see it before last Friday. Get a kleenex.

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