* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Henrietta knew nothing about her cells growing in a laboratory. After leaving the hospital, she went back to life as usual.
Sounds like sci fi, doesn't it? True story, though.
Previously on Teaser Tuesday: Well, I slogged my way through Touch the Dark
But the real problem for me was that the book was ALL exposition, leading to dialogue like this:
A: "But why...?"
B: "explain explain explain"
A: "And where...?"
B: "explain explain explain"
A: "Then who...?"
B: "explain explain explain"
Which is fine at the beginning of the book, but when you're on page 200-something and you're still doing this, there's probably something wrong. I could go on, but will just say I didn't care for it. I need some good trashy novels, people! Your recommendations welcome.
Interesting teaser, the fact that it's a true story makes it even more interesting.
My teaser is up at Find the Time to Read
Cool teaser!! I'll have to check that book out!!
Here's mine if your interested.. http://bookmarkyourthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/06/teaser-tuesday_22.html
It does sound like sci-fi! Very interesting to know it's a true story! Thanks for visiting my teaser!
Great teaser! I would have though it was sci-fi!
My TT is here.
Different teaser that is for sure, thanks for coming by to see mine today also....
jackie b central texas
How funny! I know someone else who is reading exactly the same book ...
Trashy reading? What about the immortal prose of "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Serpents" - or perhaps "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter"?
For trashy summer reading, how about mystery classics? Agatha is always good, but Dorothy L. Sayers is my favorite.
And I love medieval mysteries - Brother Cadfael being the best known, I also really like Margaret Frazer's Sister Frevisse series.
Very interesting teasers.
Here's my light summer reading: TexasRed Books
Ooh, sounds interesting!
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :)
Sounds like "Touch the Dark" had alot of overcompensation!
Your teaser sounds cool though...it does sound very sci-fi. I love that it's a true story.
that sounds interesting (the Lacks rather than the other!) Thanks for your visits!!
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