I didn't write about Philander Chase, whose feast day was Tuesday, and coincided with Hobbit Day, the joint birthday of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins according to JRR Tolkien. Nor did I write about Tolkien Week.
I didn't write about Elizaveta Mukasei, Soviet Spy who died recently at the age of 97. (I love my spy obits.)
I didn't write about why Maureen Dowd's recent OpEd about unhappy women is bogus, the same kind of bogus that we heard in the 90's when it was easier for a woman to be killed by a terrorist than get married after 40. Remember that one?
I didn't write about National Punctuation Day or share the recipe for Punctuation Mark Meatloaf (unless you're on Facebook or Twitter, in which case I did). I didn't write at all.
And so you are getting it all at once. You'll have to fill in the blanks on my various opinions on all of these subjects, or perhaps just fill in your own. It's great to be busy working, but I'm sorry not to have been able to share all this with you all along. Enjoy. And more when I'm able.
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