And they offered a helpful list of how to pray for Zimbabwe, which I offer to you:
Prayer from All Africa Conference of Churches
* Pray for the church in Zimbabwe that it takes its appropriate role in responding to the needs of the people.
* Pray for the formation of a government that will ensure delivery of services to the people of Zimbabwe.
* Pray that the food supplies reach the dying people in remote Zimbabwe and that there be enough food for everybody.
* Pray that medical supplies are made available to all areas of the country and save threatened life.
* Pray that there be unity, tolerance, love and mutual respect among all Zimbabweans regardless of political differences.
* Pray that the Lord may have mercy on Zimbabwe and give enough rains for a good harvest which will result in the restoration of human dignity, respect and recognition.
* Pray that Christians worldwide may be inspired by the Spirit to remain in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe until the end of crisis.
* Pray that the faith of Christians in Zimbabwe may be made stronger by their suffering so that in hope they retain their joy and commitment to Christ.
* Pray that the resources being extracted from Zimbabwe may benefit the whole nation including the poor rather than individuals.
* Pray that God may change the hearts of those who do not put the interests of the people but think of themselves as more important than others.
* Pray that the will of God may be done.
To which I would add,
* Pray for the victims of the cholera epidemic and their families.
* Pray for wisdom for the United States and other nations as they discern how best to associate with Zimbabwe diplomatically, economically, and politically.
* Pray for the power-sharing agreement between ZANU-PF and the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), that genuine cooperation will occur.
The more I think about Zimbabwe, the more I think, ay ay ay! I think ending with, "Pray that the will of God may be done" is a good idea.
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